Crossroads – After School Program

SAC Afterschool Program called “Crossroads” at the Spanish-American Center has been running for several years for students’ after-school enrichment. The focus, currrently, is on preparation for the work world or for higher education.

Ages of students served- Teens – 13 to 18.


Congratulations to CROSSROADS after school participant Jordan N Dolo who has been appointed by the Mayor of Leominster to join the Leominster Emergency Management program. Jordan looks forward to gaining skills that will help him with future employmentwhile volunteering. Jordan is also a student at Mt. Wachusett Community College studying Art. When he isn’t working, painting or in school, he spends time participating in the SpanishAmerican Center’s CROSSROADS after school program and volunteering for our FOOD PANTRY. We recognize his hard work and thank him for his contribution to the community. Keep up the great work Jordan!



The Center currently has about 15 students participating in our program, which meets two days per week (Monday – Tuesdays from 2 – 5 pm).  Participants at Crossroads Afterschool Program are also able to benefit from our  after-school meals program.

(Photo Credit and information – Christina Gonzalez, SAC Staff, 12/7/16).